Monsoon is one such season which is loved by everyone. Fresh air, breezy days, cloudy skies and muddy aroma. And as the dark clouds roll in, we got some enormous cravings as well. So, lets relish some delicious delicacies from kitchens across the country which are loved by everyone... Kachori-Jalebi Deep-fried, carbs...the kachori and jalebi are guilty on all counts. The kachori filling varies - onion, green peas, a spicy lentil or potato mix are some favourites in North India. And the jalebi - a fried syrupy snack - hot and crispy from kadhai, is a perfect ending to kachori indulgence. Bhutta Monsoons are incomplete without getting caught in the rain and relishing some charcoal roasted bhutta with a drizzle of salt and lime. The crunch of that will make the perfect and comfortable setting on windy and rainy days. Garam adrak chai Nothing is more typically monsoon than rain soaked hair and kadak ch...