If you ask the readers about their favourite authors, they will probably will give you a long list of them which they adore and additionally, will pressurize you to read their works! It was difficult for me to select the top 5, as the authors i have read till now are mind blowing and I can't be partial to them. But, I have to do it so here it is.. 5 authors that have proven most influential to my growth in becoming both a better reader and also a better person : 1. A.A. Milne Trust me, everyone has started reading with the animated characters and so have I. The first book, by which i have started reading was "Winnie the Pooh" ! It was a series of 16 books which I have read in my school library and all those beautiful illustrations, story has my heart and it encouraged me to read more books and eventually, I became an avid reader. 2. Enid Blyton Enid Blyton's books have a refreshing feeling all around. She will engage the readers in such a w...