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Showing posts from March, 2019


If you ask the readers about their favourite authors, they will probably will give you a long list of them which they adore and additionally, will pressurize you to read their works! It was difficult for me to select the top 5, as the authors i have read till now are mind blowing and I can't be partial to them. But, I have to do it so here it is.. 5 authors that have proven most influential to my growth in becoming both a better reader and also a better person  : 1. A.A. Milne Trust me, everyone has started reading with the animated characters and so have I. The first book, by which i have started reading was "Winnie the Pooh" ! It was a series of 16 books which I have read in my school library and all those beautiful illustrations, story has my heart and it encouraged me to read more books and eventually, I became an avid reader. 2. Enid Blyton Enid Blyton's books have a refreshing feeling all around. She will engage the readers in such a w...

Review of the Last Book I have read - "Men and Dreams in the Dhauladhar" #TheBookBlogTrain

There are some books that you instantly want to read as soon as you come across them. The reason might be the cover of the book, the title or something else. The same happened to me when I came across this book and I do not know the reason behind it. These sudden urge of reading a book are often risky because you can pick up a wrong book in this and regret it later. However, the adventure and risk are worth trying because you will learn how to choose books for reading. About the book, it's a story of 3 different people who accidentally meet each other in Dhauladhar. It all starts with the commencement of a hydro-electric project in the remote Himalayas. Nanda, Khusru and Rekha are the main characters. They all have a secret past which discreetly, they hide it from everyone. The book has a rich diversity; diversity in emotions and diversity in backgrounds. The story is not based on something stagnant. It is a story of Nanda from Kerala who is currently working in the Hima...