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Showing posts from May, 2019

A Letter to my Bookstagram ~ #TheBookBlogTrain

"And suddenly you know... it's time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings." Dear theintrovertbibliophile, It's been exactly 4 months today since we are together and I'm glad you came into my life like a surprise and the journey has been amazing since then. You know, I am reading books for a very long time but never had anyone to discuss them, how one feels whenever they finish some book and had no idea what to do next! But then, I stumbled upon some bookish profiles which gave me a boost up of why not to make one separate bookish account..! After learning a bit about bookstagram, you finally came into existence on Jan 28, 2019 and since then,  there was no looking back. We made many bibliophile friends, you introduced me to the new books, authors, various book clubs, buddy reading and yes, giveaways  which just made me so happy and exhilarated. In short, you introduced me to a whole new world! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜  Though sometimes, you ...

My favorite books by Penguin India - #TheBookBlogTrain

Hello Friends! Yes. I am again the part of #TheBookBlogTrain. Season 1 was damn good. I started my journey of writing blogs from there and it was obvious for me to return to the base and participate in Season 2 as well! :) Here, you can read my Season 1 blog - " Top 5 favorite authors" And here I go! Books play an important role in readers life. It changes one's perspective about life, about own self. They will expand your mind and may change your way to live. I am reading books since Class 3 and now, it's a practise that I follow religiously. It was difficult for me to select most favorite books as I love all of them. But, I have to do it, so here they are... 5 favorite books from Penguin India are : 1. THE GOD OF SMALL THINGS - ARUNDHATI ROY This was the first book I have ever read of her. My friends recommended read this to me and I'm glad they did. T he book is...