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Review of the Last Book I have read - "Men and Dreams in the Dhauladhar" #TheBookBlogTrain

There are some books that you instantly want to read as soon as you come across them. The reason might be the cover of the book, the title or something else. The same happened to me when I came across this book and I do not know the reason behind it. These sudden urge of reading a book are often risky because you can pick up a wrong book in this and regret it later. However, the adventure and risk are worth trying because you will learn how to choose books for reading.

About the book, it's a story of 3 different people who accidentally meet each other in Dhauladhar. It all starts with the commencement of a hydro-electric project in the remote Himalayas. Nanda, Khusru and Rekha are the main characters. They all have a secret past which discreetly, they hide it from everyone.
The book has a rich diversity; diversity in emotions and diversity in backgrounds. The story is not based on something stagnant. It is a story of Nanda from Kerala who is currently working in the Himalayan region. Thus the story has some traits from both Northern and Southern India that the respective readers will be able to connect. The background scenes and the situations have been described well. The story has murders, mystery, and emotions.
Nanda is staying in the Himalayan region, not just for his work but there are some other reasons too. Khusru is a young boy while Rekha is a dancer and doctor. Her two contrasting professions attracted me. The stories of these three people are connected Dhauldhar and a lot is happening there. You will have to read the story to find out.

The novel has many themes in its womb. Love, pain, poverty, misery, terrorism and above everything, dreams. I praise the author for putting the light on various hideous topic, which are never been "topic to discuss" The book explains how planning and plotting of terrorist never ends.
Story carries you to different places very quickly but it's the perfect pace for a reader to understand everything. "Life goes on , even in the rigid situation." The book says a lot about this statement.

Beautiful and heartbreaking story. If you are looking for a different premise in contemporary fiction, this is the one to pick up.

MY RATING - 4.5/5

That's all guys! Hope you all liked the review. Do let me know your thoughts and please do follow my blog so that you don't miss out my upcoming posts! 
Thank you! Much love. 💗

This article is written as a part of #TheBookBlogTrain conducted by Vidhya Thakkar and Siddhi Palande powered by Rupa Publishers and Tea Treasure should not be repurposed, republished or used otherwise. The content herein is owned by the blogger. Hosts are not responsible for any infringement caused.”


  1. Hey definitely looks like an amazing read, wld luv to add it in my list.. n Ur review is very well put up,great work👍

  2. It sounds thrilling. I like to read suspense and trill stories also.Nice review!

  3. I have read this book! Was a wonderful experience for me!

  4. Thank you so much, it literally changed my perspective about life. It was a beautiful experience for me.

  5. Good to see that the book has both south & north touch :)

    1. True that, you just said the right words there! :)

  6. great review, it seem to have increased my curiosity to read this book asap.

    1. Glad you liked the review and made you eager to read it. Go for it, you will totally love it! :)

  7. Great review... Adding this to my TBR

  8. Looks interesting
    never heard the title at all.

    1. Ow! It was released in 2015! I was waiting for it and finally got my hands on it. You should definitely read! :)

  9. Looks interesting...thanks for such a good review.

  10. This book is getting mixed reviews

    1. Don't know about that. But I really liked it, give it try!

  11. Replies
    1. That;s okay! Everyone has different pov. I really liked it.

  12. You have brought out the book in a very interesting manner. One feels like reading it immediately.

    1. Thank you for such kind words, glad you liked it. :D You should try this reading it!

  13. This one has created a lot of hustle bustle in the bookish world. I too have reviewed it on my blog. It was a good book -Maya Bhat

    1. This book truly deserves appreciation. It's an amazing book. :)

  14. Really very interesting


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