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Title : Through The Mist
Pages : 92 Pages
Authors : Sona, Rupali, Nimitha, Adhithya, Abirami
Publication Date : August 29th, 2017
Publisher : Jimpify Publishing
Got A Copy Through : Blogchatter (THANK YOU!)
Buy Link : Amazon IN
Genre : Fiction, Drama, Romance, Travel, Mystery, Short Stories

Blurb Description 

Through the Mist’ is a collaborative book and an innovative venture to break a common belief and to validate an old saying. It is a common belief that a story can be spun from only one pen. But ‘Through the Mist’ is a bouquet of stories from a bunch of authors. The book validates that ‘A picture is worth a thousand words’ because a single photograph is the only common link to all the stories of this book. Yes, a picture is worth a book!

This book has brought together five writers from diverse backgrounds. The starting point of the stories is a picture, that has been interpreted by each of the writers differently so that the stories touch many genres and have varied characters.


Ratings - ★★★★ 

Through The Mist probably is the most beautiful book I've ever seen and one of the most spellbinding book I've ever read.

I read this book in just one sitting, just got caught up in something that's why delayed review.

So, talking about the book, I loved almost every part of the book. It took me a while to get into the story as it is a multi-author book. What is so different about it? Have read many like these.' These were my first thoughts. But, as it happens most of the time with me… my presumptions were wrong.

The authors have totally raised the bar of story writing a notch higher. The 5 authors started their stories focusing on one common picture then handed over their unfinished stories to another writer. In this way, all the authors became a part of this each story. 

The idea and story behind the book, that's what I like the most. These 5 authors have different writing styles, difference in age, dynamic experiences, thoughts about the characters are different but leaving all the factors behind, they came together and created MAGIC!! It was like a spin-a-yarn! Each author has to understand the story passed over to them like a wand, and then take it further ahead. It was indeed a daunting task. But, in the end, we got a great book and they successfully pulled out these beautiful stories from a haze of ideas, thoughts, emotions, perceptions of 5 different people.

The Stories

    • ‘A Middle Class‘ story brings us Pari, the independent, headstrong girl whose parents want her to marry and settle down. Love has other views and comes unexpectedly through Rehan. In this comedy of errors, blunders pile on and the protagonists head a laugh riot.
    • In ‘A strange Life‘, Aarya, bored with her profession and disappointed with her personal life, finds an unexpected adventure that is a little too much for her to comprehend. Can she manifest the life she has wanted to have, by reclaiming her power?
    • Aakash cannot forget Anavya, the love of his life. His longing turns him into a poet and he hopes and waits for her, years later. ‘Languish in Love‘ is a delicate story that explores love, longing, pain.
    • ‘The Lone Man‘ is hard hitting. All John wants is to forget his wife Sarah’s death and get on with his life. But his nightmares and visions would not let go of him.
    • ‘Turn of the Tides‘ is set at sea and the men who have lived with the sea and loved her are the ones who fear her now. Can they conquer their dread and have the sea lose her power over them?
    "These stories are a surprising collection of different genres. The language is intense but the stories are crafted with incredible elegance. There are subtle twists and delightful conclusions".

    I loved the art of this book and the world that these authors createdIt’s very hard to describe what it all felt like without giving away spoilers but suffice it to say that reading this book was like reading magic on a page.

    I would absolutely suggest everyone to read Through The Mist. It is magical, spellbinding and captivating with fluid, immersive writing and stunning world building. I loved it and I hope you will too. One simply cannot deny the level of challenge these debut authors have taken to build the unique stories in it.

    Thank You for reading! Have a great day ahead! 😃

    ** This review is written as a part of  Blogchatter Book Review Program**


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