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Book Review : Where Will Man Take Us ~ Atul Jalan

Name - Where Will Man Take Us
Author - Atul Jalan
Genre - Fiction
Pages - 312 Pages
Format - Paper back


This is the first non fiction book I've ever read. It explores the dynamics of the technology, how it's reinventing us, as a society and as a species. This book took my outlook to a whole new level, with topics ranging from artificial intelligence to quantum physics, genetics and nanotechnology being woven together into a contemporary and compelling narrative on the trajectory of human evolution. But, we are also forced to ask ourselves some serious questions - what is it to be human, what is self awareness, what is is consciousness etc.

The book consists of 5 sections. Each section is divided into many chapters in which author talked about the topics I've mentioned above and its impact on the society. It's started with evolution of species and moved to technology. How man made it and how it reinventing the man and other generation.

We love interpreting trends, looking at the changes that are happening around us to figure the flow of the world, life and our selves. The past and present offer clues, in subjects ranging from philosophy and spirituality to science and culture.


Reading this book, I realize I have never seen a convergence of facts and ideas, until now! From a wide range of domains, to uncovering the trends that we often miss when we’re busy in our daily lives. Generally speaking, I  really loved reading this book. The cover is bright and beautiful, title resembles the content. Plot is unique, bold and thoroughly researched. Language is easy to understand, chapters broken down in small segments makes the reading trouble free. Quotes used and bibliography at the end made it reader's friendly. My favorite part was - how our privacy is not ours anymore and is locked in other's storage in another place of world! 😅
Things got confusing for sometime when author told about simulations and Mario in some other's game. It was hard for me to open my mind to the possibility.

Atul Jalan’s book is a must read for any perceptive mind willing take a pause and look at life-technology intersections that are going to change how you see our society, our relationships, our jobs and money, our fast evolving non-biological selves, and quite possibly our approach to parenting the next generation. 
I highly recommend to all the tech savvy people to read it and share your views about it.

Thank you for reading. Have a nice day!


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