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Book Review ~ That Thing About You : Abhaidev

Name - That Thing About You
Author - Abhaidev
Pages - 229 pages
Format - Paperback
Rating - ★★★★

The story revolves around the protagonist Subodh, an IT employee who is found immature by everyone but he isn't bothered until his love interest rejects him citing the same. Soon his life goes through a lot of unexpected turns when he befriends an unusual mysterious woman on a trip who knows everything about him and seems to have all answers.

What happened on a trip? Who is this woman and how she knows about him?

This book surprised me in a good way. The storyline is unique. He is rejected by his love and suddenly embarks on a journey which turns his world upside down. A woman, he met for the first knows everything about him, more of which is revealed in the story if one reads. The book will give you a ray of hope when you are facing the situation like existential crisis. Don't want to spoil more, let's move from here! 😅
The pace of the book is gripping, you will surely complete it one sitting. Cover is damn beautiful and resembles the story and title aptly. Plot, as said before is quite interesting and unique. Perfect blend of love, friendship, rejection, hope, mystery. Language is lucid, characters are thouroughlly described by the author. The starting is slow but it ends on a perfect note, so no issues there. Overall, a good read. Would recommend to all to atleast try it out! 😊

A/N - Book Review also available on Instagram !! 💓


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