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My favorite books by Penguin India - #TheBookBlogTrain

Hello Friends!

Yes. I am again the part of #TheBookBlogTrain. Season 1 was damn good. I started my journey of writing blogs from there and it was obvious for me to return to the base and participate in Season 2 as well! :)

Here, you can read my Season 1 blog - "Top 5 favorite authors"

And here I go!

Books play an important role in readers life. It changes one's perspective about life, about own self. They will expand your mind and may change your way to live. I am reading books since Class 3 and now, it's a practise that I follow religiously. It was difficult for me to select most favorite books as I love all of them. But, I have to do it, so here they are...

5 favorite books from Penguin India are :


This was the first book I have ever read of her. My friends recommended read this to me and I'm glad they did. The book is about a Syrian Christian family in Kerala, God’s Own Country in India. The story is about family intrigues, intrigues of love in and out of wedlock, political intrigues, industry ownership and labor movement intrigues. And children ensnared in the whole shindig.


This was my first introduction to Bond. By chance, my eyes got on this in school library. I read the blurb, I read about the author I knew that I have to read it. Anyone who has lived in Dehradun, India, and hasn't read Ruskin Bond, is missing out on so much that the beautiful Garhwal and Doon Valley have to offer. The book made me sentimental and all gooey inside. There's nothing sappy about this story --- it's just so real.  And if you're walking down the quiet part of the Mall Road in Mussoorie, you might meet Ruskin Bond --- a "pukka sahib", clad in his heavy coat, checked hat, and muffler, reading and climbing the steep slopes at the same time.


Of course, without this, the list would be incomplete. I first read Paper Towns of his and then stumbled upon this. I really loved the quote from this one, "Some infinities are bigger than other infinities". 
The concept of the third space where Gus and Hazel grace connected with each other through their talks is something new to me and very deep.The way the relation between the two characters is shown developing by the author talks a lot about how love is not mere feelings but actions expressed. The friendship between Issac and Gus is remarkable. How a simple unfinished story can connect two souls and change their lives. I would not say that this is a read about cancer kids but this is a read about how cancer sufferers also have the freedom to love live and feel pain. As pain demands to be felt, a story about life, love, friendship and emotions displayed well through actions.


A satirical comedy is all you need if you are in stress and want to relax. Debut novel of Twinkle Khanna is totally relatable to the families in India. The husband who’s the “man of the house”, the crazy mothers in law, friends and of course the constant jibes at her weight, makes it an intriguing read. Everything comes together to leave the reader cackling away in laughter. All I can say about this book is "Dwell deeper because this book will certainly make you think".


I really loved reading this book as it will give you a reality check about how the society behaves in India, what crap is done in the name of politics and how the person experiences the worst fate, without any mistake. It is story of a simple girl falling in love with a rowdy boy. Both are very opposite but fall in love with each other. The love story was moving smoothly, when a mishap happens.The ending of the story is not a Bollywood happy ending but a practical and very sad ending. It leaves the person wailing. Every emotion in the story is so well expressed that it makes reader a part and connected with its characters. The author has narrated the plot excellently with a girl's point of view and I don't think, I can have it in any better way. 

Each story has it's own aura, it's own kind of emotion. I'm glad that these books made way in my heart and I'll cherish them forever!

**A fellow request to the readers. If you liked my blog and are sharing it on Social Media, please, do mention my Twitter handle as it may not come automatically in the tweet. I'll try to resolve this issue as soon as possible. The name of the handle : anuleo09 **

Thank you for reading! Let me know your thoughts in the comments below! :)

"This article is written as a part of #Thebookblogtrain conducted by Vidhya Thakkar and Siddhi Palande powered by Penguin India and Redwolf should not be repurposed, republished or used otherwise. The content herein is owned by the blogger. Hosts are not responsible for any infringement caused.”


  1. Your dreams are mine now is in my TBR since long. I love the 4 books you mentioned.

    1. You should definitely read it. Glad you liked my favorites! :)

  2. Great blog! 'God of Small Things' is one of my favourite books. Also, I love reading Ruskin Bond's books.

    1. Thank you so much! Glad to know that we have similar taste! :)

  3. John Green and Ruskin Bond are my favourites too! Seems like we have similar tastes!

  4. John Green and Ruskin Bond are my favourites too! Seems like we have similar tastes!

  5. What to say about the book that has been appreciated and endorsed by who’s who of the glamour industry. Perhaps that the book in spite of being endorsed by huge array of stars is actually good and worth every penny you invest in it. While you pick up the book make sure you do not approach it with the hope of reading a full fledged novel or a semi autobiography of the star in question or in the hope of learning more about her famous husband. Nope. You are not getting any of that. Pick up this book only if you are looking for something that can cheer you up instantly, make you laugh hard and still make you think about many topics that revolve around us today. I can fully vouch for this because I had picked up this book, on a day, when I was completely exhausted, cranky and drained after a hectic day and barely being able to catch my breath. Two chapters down into the book and I was not only relaxed but was visibly laughing like a manic to the shock of both my parents and neighbors - Mrs Funnybones by Twinkle Khanna

    1. I know what you are trying to say. People who will read will relate to the their family moments and will laugh whole heartedly as well. The book is totally a stress buster. And it's not just about getting to know a star and their life, it's more about the collection of journal entry or blogposts filled with all the humour, sarcasm, wit everything is at the whole new level. I hope you had a great time reading this book.

  6. Great recommendation. Many loves Ruskin bond books. Yet to read one. Soon I will read along with my daughter for sure.

    1. You should definitely do that. Your daughter will surely love Ruskin Bond! :) Thank you for such kind words!!

  7. Nice recommendations! I want to read "The God of small things", "The faults in our stars"& "your dreams are mine now". I noted down. Thanks for sharing dear.

    1. Glad to know that you liked the recommendations! You should go for it. They will give you a ball of a time.

  8. Great list. I have to immediately start with Ruskin Bond's books now. Many bloggers in #Thebookblogtrain suggested the same.

    1. Thank you and you should definitely go for it. They'll be worth your time!

  9. Nice post. God of Small Things is one of my favourites too. I would add The Fault in our stars to my the

  10. Wow !!!! that's a great list of books out there. God of small things is sitting in my bookshelf from so long but i am not getting any chance to read it. I think i'll read it very soon after reading your blog. keep it up!!

    1. Thank you so much! Go and pick that book, it's worth the read! :)

  11. If we are mentioning Penguin books then the list can't be complete without Ruskin Bond's book. Loved this post :)

    1. Absolutely true. Ruskin's book are must!! Thank you. :)

  12. Fault in our Stars is my all time favorite too.

  13. Nice recommendations
    Ilove Ruskin bond too

  14. The God Of Small Things has been on my list since forever now.

    1. You should go for it now! Its will be worth your time!

  15. I wish to read Arundhati Roy soon! Its on my list too.
    And, I loved Mrs Funnybones as well :D

    1. Glad you liked my favourites! You should start with Arundhati Roy soon! :)

  16. That's an awesome collection! I would love to read 'God of Small things' some day!

    Pari xx

  17. From your list, I have only read "God of Small Things" and "Time Stops at Shamli" and I enjoyed them both.
    Noor Anand Chawla

    1. Thank you! You should give a read to other books too. They are amazing! :)

  18. I tried to read God of Small Things so many times but I just couldn't read it. Apart from that, I have read all of the books except 'Time stops at Shamli' which I just ordered. Great post <3

    1. Thank you so much! Time stops at Shamli is definitely worth your time.

  19. What a great list. I love fault in our stars and god of small things


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