Hola people! A very Merry Christmas in advance to all! 🎅 Holiday season is fast approaching and December promises a whole lot of festive fun with Christmas and New Year celebrations happening at the same. There is no better time than the present to start planning for the upcoming holiday season. Coming to the blog, I really have no idea when I inculcated the habit of reading. One day randomly I visited my school library, picked up a book of Enid Blyton and started reading it. Though the period was of only 30 mins, but those 30 mins turned my world upside down. I daily spent 1 hour there in library and started reading random books and finally got addicted to it. I have now my own bookshelf with lots and lots and lots of books! 😏 I have no clues that how one can develop habit in a person. But here's my take on it. "Training a baby by the book is a good idea, only you need a different book for each baby". ...